Sunday, June 01, 2008

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SixApart, WordPress and 37Signals Support OpenID; Why Not 1&1 and GoDaddy?

Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:09:00 -0400

I've been reading a lot about OpenID, a free, decentralized framework for managing digital identities. You start with an URI (think of it as a master username) and store your password and other creditials with an OpenID provider. You can then log into any OpenID enabled service with your URI. The service will fetch whatever credentials it needs from your identity provider.

Simon Willison wrote a great post on cool things you can do with OpenID. My favorite is restricted single sign on. Simon suggested that if everyone in an organization had "" OpenIDs, all internal apps behind the firewall could be configured to grant automatic access to such users. This eliminates the hassle of creating/deleting accounts on each service for incoming/departing employees. Couldn't GoDaddy use a similar method to apply the same logins across its many services?

I'm also intrigued by Kai Hendry's comment that maybe OpenID can be used for brokering payments. This would allow access pass holders to view content, download songs, etc across multiple sites. Not that this technology isn't already available, but OpenID would save subscribers from having to keep track of different logins for different networks.

Anyway, Microsoft announced last month that it would make Windows Cardspace interoperable with OpenID. A couple of weeks later, AOL announced its support as well. SixApart is in (in fact, OpenID creator Brad Fitzpatrick also developed LiveJournal, and is SixApart's chief architect). And Digg. And ImageShack, WordPress, Technorati, SmugMug, 37Signals...

Recently I signed up for as my OpenID through FreeYourID (which I read about on TechCrunch). If nothing else, they managed to sell me a .name domain. My question is, why isn't 1&1 in this market as well?


Mon, 26 May 2008 14:15:53 +0000
- 250 MB Spatiu
- 6 GB Transfer lunar
- Vista Panel
- Auto Installer (Fantastico)
- PhpMyAdmin
- 3 baze de date MySQL
- 6 Domenii parcate
- 6 Domenii adaugate
- 6 Sub domenii
- Sub domeniu
- Web mail
- POP email
- Parolare foldere
- Acces FTP
- Browser file manager

Instead of launching your hosting business to wait for traffic to convert into hosting clients, you can take a completely different approach. You can use ethical email marketing and compile a list of targeted possible hosting clients. You can even purchase such an email list from reputable companies. However this latter option needs to be handled with a lot of care because many list companies claiming to be reputable are actually the very opposite.

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Richard Pryor Charles Wu Same Person

Thu, 15 May 2008 10:19:00 -0400

In Superman III Richard Pryor is a computer programmer; he wonders where all those ½ cents at the end of payroll checks go. He puts them to good use...his paycheck.

Charles WU - head honcho at CW Labs made one of those ISPCON luncheon presentations that was actually interesting. In the middle of it I thought...this guy looked at something boring...and saw billions. All of a sudden it became very interesting.

Unbeknownst to us he noted the slow death of dial-up. But sees dollars in that slow bandwidth...forget 56k...he likes 28k. Forget something in the future that may not work like 500 HDTV channels over the Internet, R&D is always a *itch...lets make some money.

During the presentation Charles used the word trillion...his graphics showed a bunch of lines connecting each other, sort of like a half circle, with arrows going back and forth. His R&D staff has invented some stuff, they want to put the ISP in this graphic. Somewhere near the top left, second dot down. He called it the money spot.

Charles WU wants to put the ISP in the credit card processing system. He wants you to be part of that trillion dollar economy, the part that takes a ½% here and ½% there. Swipe that card and a bunch of people takes a slice of that swipe…someone has to do it.

Talk to WU if you want to understand the technical part, not my area. However there is hardware, software, intellectual property, licensing and other stuff involved.

In the evening Wu kindly gave away food and drinks as we gambled at a charity event. Everyone was happy.

More about Tom:

New Commerce Communications

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Best Regards,


Ravi Pimplaskar

Tue, 20 May 2008 07:10:55 -0800 posted a photo:

Ravi Pimplaskar

Parallels Summit 2008 organizer extraordinaire! On the boat cruise Monday night sponsored by Platinum Sponsor Microsoft.

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All this matter was written with passion, which led to the speedy completion of this writing on host gator hosting. Let this passion burn for some time.

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